Sunday, October 24, 2010

Shopping and Raining

The morning started out with a bit of unwanted electrical excitement; we suddenly lost electricity for no apparent reason. Having read that the strike was affecting electric production as well as gas production, we were worried for a second that there was no electricity to be had! But no, it was just the radiator in the living room had flipped the main breaker when the plug (which we knew was in bad shape and had been trying not to touch) finally melted and started to smoke. Our only heat options were now the two little heaters in the bedroom, and the main fireplace. We brought a little heater down, and all put on an extra layer.

Yesterday’s clouds turned into today’s rain. Alan wanted to take another trip to L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue for the market to take photos, and I wanted to go to get some souvenir shopping done, so we all set out in the gloomy weather. We tried to stop for some gas along the way, but our usual station was boarded up. Luckily a station in town had diesel (but no gasoline) and we got line to fill our tank for the week’s explorations.

The clouds we nice enough to let the sun through and keep the rain somewhere else while we wandered the market after setting a time to meet back up with Mom and Dad. It’s hard to keep up with four people in a crowded market! Some stalls have been the same each time we go, and some after different, which makes for a new experience every time.

We returned home with packages, some for us and some for other people : ) The clouds had just been waiting for us to get inside before letting the rain come down again, so we settled in for a lazy afternoon, drinking hot chocolate and playing a game of Risk.

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